Assertive Training
You Have The Right
Carl Roger added the humanistic element by including a list of human rights (The Bill of Rights), and created the basis of the approach now known as "Assertive Training".
In more modern terms, assertiveness training teaches you to stand up for yourself and empowers you. Assertiveness is a response that seeks to find a balance between passivity and aggression.
Assertive responses, which are founded on a positive sense of respect for yourself and others, promote fairness and equality in human interactions.
The Bill of Right
1) I have the right to express my need.
2) I have the right to have my own opinion, views and idea, to express it appropriately.
3) I have the right to have "needs" and "wants".
4) I have the right to say "yes" or "no".
5) I have the right to have feelings and express them appropriately.
6) I have the right to decline responsibility for other people's problems.
7) I have the right to be respected.
8) I have the right to make mistakes.
9) I have the right to be myself.
10) I have the right to have others respect my right.
As we can see from The Bill of Right, the basic of the list is the "right to be assertive". This means you have the freedom to express your feelings, wants, and desires in a straightforward and appropriate manner.
Being assertive does not always result in getting what you want. It is the behaviour that ensures you do not have "unfinished business" and that your relational behaviour is mature and adult. It's a win-win situation with a reasonable compromise.
We have three types of behaviour;
1) Passion - The behaviour fails to engage people and suggests a lack of confidence.
2) Aggressive - The behaviour is based on the desire to win. What is in one's best interests without regard for the rights, needs, feelings, or desires of others? It's the power of selfishness.
3) Assertive - This behaviour gives confidence in others. It implies that you have a good understanding of the situation and know what you want.
Assertive training may be an important aspect of your overall plan if you are passive, have a victim mindset, or if you are confident or anxiety-related.
If you deal with the world aggressively, you might benefit from learning how to behave assertively rather than aggressively.
Being too aggressive may result in violence, while being too passive may result in being bullied, putting your life in danger.
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